
Mac OS X More Vulnerable than Windows

Bring on the haters. It has been proven that Windows is significantly less vulnerable than Mac OS X. With 234 highly critical flaws in OS X in comparison to 23 for Windows XP + Windows Vista in 2007 (yes the sum total of both Windows OS's) it can now be made fact that at this point OS X is 10x more vulnerable than Windows.

Everyone knew when Apple went mainstream that this was going to become a significant issue, but what's interesting is the magnitude.

Apple software is perceived to be flawless and virus free. Amazing they have these perceptions given the Apple Hack a Day and iPhone flaws that were found almost immediately following the release of security patches.

Is it time for someone to sue Apple over their security advertisements?

Read more about the ZD Net study here:

Hack A Day:

iPhone Fixes:

Over And Out

1 comment:

Brian Dunbar said...

This merits a closer look than what I can give it now but .. I did click around the to actual report.

One of the vulnerabilities counting against OS X is a hack i Squirrel Mail.

Should a hack performed against a 3rd party vendor count against the OS?