
Plea For Your Vote on Productivity in Office 2007

Just a quick plea to pass on links to vote on my Office Productivity Poll.

I know I'm begging for hits here but am shocked at how few people actually find it useful considering how much time and money was spent on Focus Groups to redesign the product.

A big sticky point for Microsoft Office has to be people's familiarity with the product. I knew having gone through school using their older suites that I'd have success using them once I started working full time in the business world - BUT - as the interfaces have been redesigned I no longer believe this to be the case.

With other alternatives like Google Docs available for free to students I wonder if we are going to see some sort of paradigm shift whereby students tag their resumes with that skill set. University is expensive enough in tuition and books and I can't imagine any student wanting to shell out beer dollars for MS Office when they can use and collaborate on Google Docs for free.

While you are here be sure to check out my other related opinons on Office 2007:
Your opinions are appreciated!

Over And Out

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